


Attched collider 2d script, physical object loose bouncy after few bounce and slide along surface.

It would be easy to understand if you have a look at the video below.



reproduce project setting




reproduce project setting 

Test project looks like above, has 4 2d box collider and a circle collider which bounces inside a box.




attched script of a circle

The script just give a force on start of the project.





Physics Material 2D applied to walls and a circle.

This Physics Material 2D make the circle loose it's force gradually.




Theres is a setting in Unity Physics 2D which consider collision to inelastic collision, called velocity threshold.






Edit > Project Settings > Pysics (2D) > Velocity Threshold

When a collision has lower velocity than the threshold preset. It is considered as an inelastic collision.





Lower the Velocity Threshold value.




The circle bounces well though has slow velocity

